The Allegheny River corridor is home to a large variety of interesting
wildlife. This includes several threatened and endangered species of
concern, and it is important to be aware of these important animals.
Threatened and Endangered Species
The Indiana Bat is listed in Pennsylvania as endangered and is protected.
Find additional information here.
Northern Riffleshell and Clubshell Mussels are currently listed on the
federal list of endangered species. While you enjoy the unique presence
of these species, please do not disturb any native mussels you see in the
river. To learn more, visit here.
Bald Eagles are making a comeback along the river corridor, and can
often be seen while one is paddling down the river. Bald eagles are easily
disturbed, and this can lead to stress that can affect their overall health.
Please view silently from a distance.
The Monarch Butterfly has been declining in numbers since the 1990s. Their habitat supports pheasant, quail, waterfowl, and many other species. Visit here for more information.
Invasive Species
Invasive species to any waterway or landscape can harm or even destroy the ecosystem of the area by threatening native species or reducing the habitat for wildlife. It is important to use caution when enjoying the natural surroundings. Introducing invasive species to an area can happen as simply as seeds from plants sticking to your clothing and falling off in a different area. Firewood being brought from another area can transport invasives. Aquatic life can cling to your watercraft. Use caution and brush your clothing off, take pictures and not specimens, and clean out and wash your boat thoroughly.
Watch Out for Nature’s Hitchhikers!
Here are some helpful hints to help prevent "Nature’s Hitchhikers:"
Clean your boat
Drain water from your boat.
Remove any plants caught on equipment.
Dispose of unwanted bait on land away from the water.
Inspect your equipment and remove any foreign items. Pressure wash with HOT water if required, but make sure to do this well away from the water (a car wash works).
Brush your clothing and gear off.
Never transport firewood into or out of an area.
Take pictures only for your souvenirs.